Friday, May 9, 2008

The Answer to Life, The Universe, and EVERYTHING...

42. Yup. 42 is how much I turned this week. Inconceivable. My friend, Doug, introduced me to the bit in "The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy" where this civilization makes a supercomputer to figure out the answers to "life, the universe and everything." It works, and works, and works, for thousands of years, for lifetimes, for generations and when it finally says "I have found the answer," they ask it to tell them, so "what's the answer?" and it says "Forty... two..."

So that's it, for a year I'll have all the answers!

I can remember, when I was little, calculating how old I would be when the year 2000 hit and thinking, "Wow. Will I make it to 34?" Seems so silly now. I mean, D'uh! Of course I was going to make it to my 30s! That's small potatoes, change, younginsville!

It didn't rain on my birthday this year. I didn't get one present, AND I was VERY HAPPY about it! ;-)

I got a lot of good wishes, had dinner at Sarducci's, the best Italian place in town, on the veranda with the windows open, overlooking the beautiful spring view and the river, and sipping a glass of white wine made in Australia. The day of my birthday I started putting together a submission for the 14th annual international women's playwrighting festival in Rhode Island. Yesterday I sent it, by God.

I am truly Blessed to live where I do, have what I have, and be who I am.

Wow. Now let's all have a great week! and happy spring to you all.